Thursday, October 17, 2013

Starting off with a bang!

Starting off my blog with a bang! 
I decided to create a place, to share all my beauty tips and the do's and don't I've learned over the years. 
I DON'T believe in beauty secrets so I'm spilling the beans, so to speak.

SKIN 101-
I get asked a lot how I keep my skin "perfect."
 As a woman in my mid-twenties I have created a DAILY routine that works for me. 
(^^This is obviously NOT me ^^)

 It's no secret that our skin and bodies crave water. So don't skip this step!
As an esthetician I hear too many of my clients saying how hard it is to remember to drink water.
I like to give my water a little pizzazz by adding lemon or cucumbers. 
Bring a water bottle with you or have a jug you leave at work.
Buy a cute container that you ENJOY drinking out of.
It sounds silly but if you enjoy the process you are more likely to do it!

I heard this in beauty school and it forever traumatized me.....

"When you sleep with your makeup on, you age your face by 3 days!"

I seriously cringe when people tell me they don't wash their face.
Lets think not only about just makeup wearers, but EVERYONE!
We are exposed to so many toxins, dirt, oil and many other pollutants everyday.
When we don't cleanse, these pollutants are absorbed into our skin when we sleep.
(Let's not mention how dirty our pillow is now too) 

I like to not only wash my face, but use "Say Yes To Cucumbers" face wipes.
(You can get them at Whole Foods)
They are GREAT especially for you makeup wearers. 
*They take off MAC waterproof mascara amazingly!

^^I doubt Angelina will EVER look that old haha^^

This is my best kept "secret."
Keeping the skin hydrated is key when fighting signs of aging. 
Even if you are acne prone or have oily skin, doesn't mean you can skip this step!

A.M./During The Day-
If you have never tried a SERUM in your life, you have not lived.
Serums are lighter than moisturizers and can trap in hydration for the skin.
They also create a barrier for your makeup,primer or sunscreen.
For those who are acne prone or a makeup wearers, like myself, serums are a true life savor.

This is when I like to get "crazy" with my routine.
When we sleep is when our skin and bodies regenerate.
This is a great time to treat any problem areas and just pack on
that moisturizer! 
Don't forget your neck and chest area.
The skin in these areas is the same as the face and should be treated as such.
I personally layer on two or three serums, followed with a heavier moisturizer and eye cream.

I get that most of us, feel like this might be too many steps or time involved. 
The key is to find a routine that works for YOUR skin.

^^^Even Barbie can look like crap^^^

Last but not least, makeup.
If makeup is something you wear everyday, investing in quality products
will make a HUGE difference.
If you are me and like to wear a full face of makeup,
investing in a product that can actually protect and enhance your skin is what you want
to look for.
SEPHORA or ULTA are two of my favorite stores for face products.

*Stay tuned for my next post, which will be about my makeup favorites :)